DAM software is a great way for businesses to manage digital assets effectively. However, if you have concerns about implementing a DAM system or have heard the outdated myths surrounding this software, we’re here to dispel those concerns.

Below, we look at the most common misconceptions and explore why DAM software is a great addition to your company systems.

1. It’s challenging to set up

Like most software, implementing a new system might seem difficult or unobtainable. Without prior knowledge, these solutions appear complicated, and there’s also the concern that users will require regular training to stay up to date with its workings. Another worry is that the investment needed to implement the software would not yield the desired results or uptake.

Solution: Use a simple online storage system

iBase DAM software provides a clear and straightforward setup process. As a result, there’s no need to tackle complex coding or undertake extensive training to get it started. What’s more, it’s easy to use, meaning all users can onboard without over-complicated jargon getting in the way.

2. DAM software is a separate company system

On the outside, DAM looks like an isolated system that houses your digital assets. It may also cause concern regarding collaboration and ensuring finalised assets are available for all users.

Solution: DAM is, in fact, an integrated system

Unlike older DAM software, current systems such as iBase provide a platform that can be integrated into your workflows. Collaboration features make access to internal and external users seamless. In addition, it’s easy to manage, edit and search for digital assets – plus, the system supports real-time modifications and monitoring of workflows as changes happen.

3. The software has accessibility limitations

Many companies worry about the accessibility of digital assets and how DAM software may limit this. Accessibility issues cause problems with collaboration, getting hold of up-to-date information and keeping on top of asset organisation.

Solution: Manage asset sseamlessly with DAM

DAM software is a great way to access and manage digital assets. So you never need to worry about accessibility limitations. This solution provides a host of features, including the ability to upload, share, and edit from wherever you are. In addition, this flexible solution offers both desktop and mobile apps so that users can collaborate in any location.

4. It’s challenging to integrate into current business systems  

Do you worry your legacy systems will struggle to integrate with new software? Or perhaps the setup process will present issues and complications with your existing structure?

Solution: DAM software is designed to integrate seamlessly

The beauty of a DAM system like iBase is that it’s designed to integrate into your current systems without any hassle. For example, a read-write API allows data to be passed and read to a Collections Management System (CMS). Or other methods include using flat files and watch folder imports. Whatever your business needs, DAM software can seamlessly integrate to keep everything running.

Discover the power of DAM software with iBase

DAM is a practical resource for all types of businesses, and with iBase, you can put the common myths to one side and enjoy the features on offer. This solution is packed with handy ways to manage your digital assets and control data usage –all from a centralised location.

To learn more about iBase DAM software, contact our team for a free one-to-one demo.

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